50 free courses that every modern industry professional should be aware of

You are currently viewing 50 free courses that every modern industry professional should be aware of

Do you want to stand out in your company, get a raise, and be a performer with better results? So this free special list is for you.

According to McKinsey, the future of work will require two types of changes across the workforce: upskilling, in which staff gain new skills to help in their current roles, and reskilling, in which staff need the capabilities to take on different or entirely new roles.

The key to adapt to the future of work in the manufacturing industry is to acquire knowledge on areas that will help you in the Industry 4.0 environment. And that is why PackIOT developed the special list: 50 Free Courses and Webinars that every modern industry professional should be aware of.

This Free Special List covers areas that are trending on the Manufacturing Industry:

01. Digital Transformation

This area covers topics like: sustainability through digital transformation, how to build a digital transformation strategy and leadership in digital transformation.

02. Lean Manufacturing and Production Improvement

Fundamental principles, practices and tools of Lean Six Sigma, the Hidden Value of lean manufacturing and services and more. 

03. Leadership, Management and Future of Work

Will automation take away our jobs?, Innovation Leadership and “The Future of Work: Prepare for Disruption”.

04. Industry 4.0 and IIoT

Enabling the Intelligent Enterprise, Developing IIoT Specialization. Learn how to revolutionize your business.

05. Business Development and Digital Marketing

Learn how to drive your business towards the sustainable development goals.

06. Data Analysis

Data Analytics for Lean Six Sigma, Data Analysis with R and “Transformation with Data Analytics and the Digital Organization”.

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